This time last year I would never have thought that my little business would be where it is now. It still has a long way to go but, the little business that could, Broken Spoon Cakes, is now a real live business!
A new business is something that is quite scary in its own right. To have an idea that has been whirling around in your mind for many years and see it start to become a reality is something amazing. Of course the dreamer had to be put to one side first in order to deal with the practicalities of a start-up before the creative process could really take hold.
I had my to-do-list at the the start of 2016 and one-by-one each item (some daunting and others not so daunting) was ticked off and eventually Broken Spoon Cakes started to become a reality. Creating the website and logo, designing my very own wedding cake collection and seeing it photographed beautifully, becoming a listed vendor with One Fab Day and showcasing at Wedding Fairs... it was all hard work but, brilliant all at the same time.
I have met amazing people and have been given guidance on questions all cake business related by some of the cake industries leaders. It is an amazing an honour when people you look up to and aspire to actually take the time out of their crazy schedules to come back to you with advice. I have also met people in other industries starting out on their own journey and it is fantastic seeing their visons making waves in their sector.
I have been thankful for learning new skills from masters of their field and applying them to my own work and designs.
Most of all I would like to thank all those wonderful clients who entrusted me to create their occasion and wedding cakes. It was an honour. Those who through different professions and areas of business have helped me to realise my vision, I thank you.
Thank you to my family and friends who have been there to support me in what is a big step for anyone.
Have a wonderful New year everyone and I cannot wait to get creating for 2017 xx